Friday, January 8, 2010

When working with animals and children...

May I start out by telling you that I had a vision in mind for today's shot for the 365 project. Earlier in the afternoon, DH was playing a "Danny Boy" on his Tin Whistle which made our big dog howl right along. The shot was perfect... but not with my messy house in the background. So I asked DH if he would be willing to re-enact this for me after supper, and I had time to set up the backdrop. He was willing, but the dog (and kiddos) was no longer in the mood to cooperate.

Good gracious! Have you ever worked with kids? How about animals? I have learned that you can not snap shots of animals with kids in the room. Nor can you shoot kids with animals in the room. They just feed off each other.When this sort of thing happens, I usually keep on shooting because, in my opinion, these unplanned shots are better than their posed counterparts anyway.
I didn't get anything close to the 'dog howling with the music' shot that I wanted, but I got a handful of nice ones anyway.

Which brings us to the end of the shoot.
Love, pets and family


Jessy and Becca said...
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Jessy and Becca said...

Ah! This one made my kiddos laugh...and then they said, "We neeeeeeed a dog like that!"
